enquiries: david@davyhulme.net
I have created and maintain websites for a few local voluntary and not-for-profit organisations, such as amateur clubs and societies. If your group needs a simple website, then contact me and I may be able to help. It's a hobby of mine and I don't usually charge for the work; however, if it's for commercial purposes, I may charge an initial setup fee, depending on the work involved, followed by a small monthly charge - as a contribution to web hosting costs. The screenshot images here contain links to some of these sites.
When setting up a website it isn't always necessary to open a new web hosting account to locate the site's pages, photos, documents etc. I have some spare capacity on my web server which I may share free of charge. Similarly, it is sometimes desirable, but not always necessary, to buy a domain name as I can provide a sub-domain name under davyhulme.net. Examples of this are davyhulme.net/darts which is used by Urmston & District Darts League, and davyhulme.net/davyhulmesocialclub, used by Davyhulme Social Club.
If you already have a domain name, or want to buy one, it can be set to automatically redirect visitors to your site's pages located on my davyhulme.net server, e.g. Badger's Way Lodge (badgersway.co.uk).
Updated 19th January 2022 website: David Holstein